Friday, August 29, 2008

It is amazing how your ignorance becomes the fuel that empowers those you fear most. It is in and of itself the explanation as to why we need change. Read a book or two before you continue to make unsubstantiated claims with incomplete information.

I am a lifetime NRA member who truly understands what being a good AMERICAN is all about. The enemy is all of those who do not love this country and are not willing to die for it and its children. The enemy is not all who choose to be here. The enemy has no understanding of the flag, as to how long it has flown higher and prouder than any other symbol of freedom unity and strength. It is not about religion, race, creed or color of your skin. It is about those who have defended it and sacrificed everything for it. Take the time and understand what makes a constituency and who literally is the army made up of that proudly stands for this Flag, this beautiful American flag known to all.

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